Christmas Project
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me,
and do not hinder them, for the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14
Little children have special spot in my heart. These children are so innocent and so helpless they need an adult to look up to and to take care of them... and I was so thrilled to find out that at the church where my dad has been ordained as Pastor, there is another Youth who share the same passion as me. More amazing is that, I have a cousin who does a yearly charity even called the Project Angel. My cousin started Project Angel 6 years ago as a way of giving back to the children all the blessings he has received, and does that every month of December, giving gifts and stuffs to children in public hospitals, orphanage and street children. Through that simple act he can make these kids feel that someone care. So I thought of collaborating with my cousin for a Christmas project that involves giving gifts to children and my friend from Church, Jen got very excited about the project. And it turned out that my siblings and other youth members are also interested in joining. So we started saving so we can make the project happen. But in the back of my mind, saving for an event that will only happen once a year is not enough. I must do something more, there must be something more that I could do, that will shape and change the life of children. They must know the Gospel too, I know for sure that God's gift is not limited to adults only, it is also for the children. We have recently lost the Sunday School teacher for the children because he had to focus on his leadership training. Without resources and w/o formal training I took over and started Sunday School with just a few students. I thought maybe my experience as a mother will be enough. The first few Sundays was hard, the kids sometimes attend and sometimes dont. They're bored, and something is missing but I dont know what. And I am not sure if they are really learning about God. Our interaction was always awkward and they are so shy around me, they barely speak. I was desperate so I keep praying and praying, I asked God if he can really see my heart, because if He does He should see that this is really what I want to do, this is something I know I am made to do. So I prayed for wisdom from God and for Him to equip me and be a better Sunday School teacher. Amazingly our Korean Missionary has sponsored for us to have an AWANA training (AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed). We went thru a lot financial struggles and schedule conflicts to get it (I almost lost my job because of it) but in the end it was all worth it. I've learned a lot thru it (thank God for never failing to answer my prayers) and 3 weeks ago we started our own AWANA club in our church and the results are great! Just great, that its more than enough to re-fuel me and keep me going to do my part in the children ministry and lead these children to God. Children learned how to read the bible, has memorized some verses, started new friendships, because they enjoy the Sunday School now, they invite their cousins and neighbors that from 6 kids we now have 21 kids. I am so happy to say too that they have warmed to me, they feel comfortable talking to me now than before. Their smiles and laughter are so inspiring, that even if the task is overwhelming sometimes, you feel its all worth it, and you can see God working their lives. These kids we have in Sunday school are from poor families, so our church want to do something for them more than just Sunday School interaction. We want them to feel they are loved and that someone care. So we are trying to raise funds for them to have some clothes, shoes, food and toys this Christmas.
I recently met a missionary couple named Bro Jim and Adalia Fisher, who has generously shared their house to us to use as a temporary church for our outreach ministry where they live. They too have a Children ministry and me and my fellow youth in our church are hoping to be able to help and be a blessing to their kids too. Bro. Jim has reported that the kids in their ministry are from poor families, that most of them don't go to school, because they cant afford the stuffs they need. So this Christmas I am praying that we can raise enough funds so we can buy them school stuffs, that way hopefully next school year they will be able to go to school and learn. Through Bro Jim's other ministry he also try to reach out to the parents and help them find resources so they can find jobs as most of them are jobless so even education has become a luxury to them.
Below are some pictures I've attached so you may see, to make it more personal so that whoever reads this can help me pray and be a blessing for these children...
Project Angel Poster 2015
Some pics from last year's Project Angel @ Ospital Ning Angeles (Hospital of Angeles City). I just chose a few... Note: this year Project Angel will visit 2 different hospitals, a home care for children , with Cerebral Palsy and Autism, (too bad I dont have pics because this is the first time we will visit that home) and some street children.
That's my cousin Auie Villarin ready to give away free food and gifts.
Some pics from our AWANA Training
The kid assigned to me to share the Gospel with, her name is Chanel
That's my son Elix, the initial focus of my Mission.
Me prepping up the kids for the games
Great Hope Mission Church Sunday School Kids
On this pic they are arranging their memory verse puzzle
The kids singing "I'll do my best" by Go Fish song
These pics are taken from Bro. Jim and Sis Adalia Fisher's mission. They are the kids we want to help this Christmas
Kids who got their certificates for completing the VBS (Vacation Bible School)
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