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DIY Calm Down Kit for Upset Kids

There's always a lot of good finds on Pinterest, and this idea is one of them. My son has temper problems and he always throws tantrums that its hard to calm him down so I'm going to try this Calm down kit and see what works. What I put in the kit... 2 sets of puzzles of his choice massager Velcro (the repetitive motion of strapping and unstrapping plus the sound is stimulating to him) a bracelet he can squeeze in his fist. His favorite book Beanie, squishy toys Vanilla scent (known for its calming effect) His baseball for squeezing since we dont have a stress ball glitter jar (similar to a snow globe, its one I made myself) a ruler with a stimulating game pillow for hugging (and unfortunately sometimes for punching too) Crayons and coloring book Anger measurement chart (so he can tell me how angry he is) A list of suggestions about what he can do to make his anger subside I have already tried it today and it wor...

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